
Friday 27 August 2021

Washing The Dog

 Hi everyone,

Yesterday(26th of August) I washed the family dog. His name is Finn and he is not really a fan of the bath, but when he gets in the bath he is a very good boy. Finn just stays their (sometimes) and when I tell him to turn he turns. He was a bit stinky so their was no choice but to wash him. I got some photos to show to you on how I bathed him. Finn is really cute in these photos if I do say so myself.

Do you have a pet?

Thursday 26 August 2021

1st Covid Vaccine

 Hi everyone,

Today( 26th of August) I went to get my Covid vaccine, with my mum and my older sister. I was felling a bit nervous. I was second to get the jabbed, I meet this nice nurse, she was Scottish she was funny and made me feel less nervous. We went to Princess Margaret Hospital. I felt fine after but the nurse said I might get a stiff arm and maybe a headache in the morning.

Here are some photos that my mum took of me.

Wednesday 25 August 2021


Hi everyone,
My dad drives his truck every Tuesdays to Auckland and Hamilton dropping of powered milk and picking up containers. He has to take the truck on to the ferry from Picton to Wellington, then makes his way up to Auckland then down to Hamilton and back to Wellington to catch the ferry back home. Then comes back home on Fridays. He bought the truck home on Monday night and here are some photos. My dad is 6 feet tall and can stand up in the the cab of the truck. The cab has a bed ( as you can see in one of the photos i am on the bed but the bed is not made up yet )lights and a bounce chair.

 Comment if you want to see the photo individually
Have you been in a truck before?

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Apple and Lemon

 Hi everyone,

Today (24th of August) I tried something different with my fruit snack I LOVE fruit. So my friend told me an idea. She asked if I had lemons and a apple, I said yes and she told me what to do. Here are some photos of me making apple and lemon thing and instructions.

1. Get a apple, a juicy lemon knife and a cutting board.

2. Cut around the core of the apple and cut in to bit size pieces  .

3. Put the apple in a zip lock bag and put a little bit of water in to the bag with the apple.

4. Cut the lemon and squeeze it in the bag and then put the lemon you just squeeze int the bag and mix it up.

Last step: EAT

This is a really nice combo
I dont know what it is called.
Can you come up with a name for this combo?
Will you try this?

Monday 23 August 2021

Banana Loaf

Hi everyone,
Yesterday (22nd of August) I made banana loaf because our family had leaft over bananas that needed used up. I mad banana loaf not so long ago. This weeks banana loaf was better than last times. This weeks one was more sticky, it wouldn't crumble up when you cut it like the other one. I find cooking really fun I can be creative with cooking or baking and I am  a foodie I love EVERYTHING food related. I am getting of topic but I like cooking and baking. This banana loaf was really yummy. 
Have you ever made banana bread or loaf before?


Thursday 19 August 2021

Realistic Drawing

 Hi everyone,

Over the days I cant be at school I have tried to be creative. I started drawing one finger, I liked the way I made the finger, so I stared to make more and more I love doing this because I can do nail designs and do little details like little wrinkles. I did a toe which I like the look of.

Do you like my drawings?

If you have any tips or tricks you are more than welcome to comment on my blog about it.

Nice Day

 Hi everyone,

I went for a walk in the fresh breeze. It was a bit chilly at first but warmed up as my mum, sisters and me started walking. I saw different types of flowers and birds flying over my head. It was really nice to breath in the fresh air. 

Do you like going on walks?


Hi everyone,
This is the 2ed day in a 3 day lockdown. Today I baked scones with gluten free flour. Scones are really fun to make. Their are lots of things you can put in scones, cheese, nuts, dates up to you. But I made plane scones you can put Jam, cream, butter on top of them but it is up to you . Here are some pictures I took when I was baking.
 What do you put on your scone?


If it is too blury tell me and I can type what it says.

Better go now I am going on a walk blog about that soon 

Do you like scones?


Tuesday 17 August 2021

Orana park

 Hi everyone,

This term room 5 and 6 are learning about biodiversity. Our teachers planned a trip to Orana Park to learn more about biodiversity. We left at 9:00 to be there at 9:15. Sarah and Bethany went through the safety tips like DONT feed the animals. We were split into 2 groups, Room 5 and Room 6. I saw lots of animals and went through each animal. There were questions like when they were brought here and whether they were mammals or reptiles. We learnt about how old the animal is and if they were a girl or boy. My favourite part was when we got to feed the giraffes. Here are some pictures. 

Have you ever gone to Orana park? 

If you have what is an interesting fact? 


Thursday 8 July 2021

Easy Maths Cheat

 Hi everyone,

My teacher Ms Wilton taught me a cheat of doing times tables that have 2 digits in them. It has helped me a lot so I hope this helps you. 

If you have any questions comment down below?

Did it help you?

Do you have a different way of doing it?

Friday 25 June 2021

Matariki (tic tac toe)

 Hi everyone,

This week I have been learning about Matariki. Ms Wilton gave the class some activatys to work but their was a rule. The rule was you had to kind of play tic tac toe just not with somone. You etheir pick 3 up or down, 3 sideways, 3 diagonal. It is a 3 by 3 grid so you do 3 activatys. HERE IS THE LINK IF YOU WANT TO TRY

The 3 activatys I have pick were:

What is Matariki known as in these three languages; English, Japanese, Hawaiian.

Create a DLO to explain the story behind each of these.

Design your own (mana tukutuku) kite to fly during Matariki.

Include instructions on how to construct the kite.


What foods were eaten during Matariki?

Create a DLO explain to others why they were eaten during this time.

In todays blog post I am going to show you the last green text:

Did you know this?

Was my blog post helpful?

What could I improve on?

Monday 31 May 2021

Blog Battle


Hi everyone,
It has been awhile sence I have posted but Im back now. Today I am posting about the blog battle that I was doing a couple of weeks ago. This Blog Battle is about picking a buddy and following the challenges like one might be that they have posted in the last 5 days and then you get like 5 points. I picked my Best-Friend Olivia to do this with me. I cheeked her blog for all the thing I had to cheek. I had to find evidence of what she did do and maybe what she didn't do, in totial her points were 2 and mine was 48. My advice to Olivia is keep updating you blog and keep trying to inprove you work. Have a look at  Olivia's blog to see if I have missed anything out and while your at it go comment on her blog.
What could I inporove on my Blog?

Thursday 8 April 2021

Anzac Activities

Hi Eveyone,

This week for reading room 5 and 6 are doing something different, Anzac activities. I found this fun because you learn about forgotten heros. What I found challenging was hearing all these animals that dont have a choice to work.  Go on try it yourself read about all these amazing soldiers and animals that served in the war Click Here. Is their anything I can do different or improve my work?

Tuesday 30 March 2021

Making Concertian

 Hello everyone,

Over week 9 room 5 and 6 have been making Concertian. Concertian are 2 pictures that if you look one way you see one picture and if you look the other way you see another picture. It is SOOOOOO COOL and Fun to make. When you stand infront of the picture it it looks weird.