
Wednesday 25 November 2020

Moment in Time

 Hi Everyone,

This week in writing I have been writing a moment in time well using my sense for three things I did this based on camp I had to do this for everyone I did. Do you think I should improve? or add something? should I do more?

Hope you like it =D


I heard: Screaming people that had their first try, children chattering  to everyone for who to race.

Down the waterslide

I felt: The small little droplets hit my skin as I slid down the water slide . I was happy, joyful and excited.

I saw: People sliding down like a bullet landing in the rocky mud and hurrying back up to do it again.

I Wondered: if you got the right momentum you could go faster over the mud and onto some grass.


I heard: Feet thumping on the matted area,

people talking about what way they are going and how to speed up.

I felt: The burns on my palms and the green mat thing getting hotter and hotter

every time you go round because of the sun and all the people running across it. 

I saw: Feet getting flinged into the air and hair flying in the wind and a blurry image of people standing by.

I Wondered: If there was a little soft thing that when you put your fingers on and swing around it.

It will prevent the burns from happening. 


I heard: little whispers around the room, \

people tell us to shush because they are trying to sleep and the top bunk

creaking because someone is rolling around on it.

I felt: the soft sleeping bag making me feel warm, t

he confey mattress and the pillow underneath my head.

I saw: the bright night light shining in my eyes,

the opening and closing because people are going toleit.  

I Wondered: if less people were in a bunk room so we could get to sleep easier and get more sleep.

News Paper Cybersmart

 Hi Everyone,

Today we were learning to make are own newspaper but about camp. You had to catch peoples eye and we had to have a bulging title and a detailed description about what we were talking about.  Fina was my buddy. We worked on it together and made a amazing newspaper. I got the information from the Uru Manuka site lesson 2. This was very fun and I loved this. I want to make more with my buddy, but I will have to check with my buddy. You might have to zoom in. Here is a link to go to the Google Drawing 

How did you think we did?

Is their anything we have missed or is their soothing we could work on?

Hope you like it =)

Friday 18 September 2020

Digital Technology

 Hi everyone,

The few weeks my class room 5  have been playing round with games doing coding you can move your characters hear are some examples of some, scratch and Gaming Froot this is called Digital Technology.

Gaming Froot was really hard and not loading, so our teacher Miss Sumter said just to leave it. is very fun but what happens to me was I booked marks my mincraft at stage 6 and moved on the level 9. level 9 was hard so I xed the tab and want back on it to find I am back on to level 6 and I clicked on level 9 and had to do all the level 6 to 9 so I just left it a level 6 sooooooo. Remember to save the stage you are at 

I think I did good - Like coding and placing blocks

Would you like to try?

Thursday 17 September 2020


 Hi everyone,

Today Year 6, 7 and 8 did tool kits. This was going on all around the cluster. If you had headphones you could do it if you didn't have any you couldn't. Toolkit is where you are online and you can learn new apps talking through Google Hangouts. You had to have your mic muted all times and if you wanted to talk you had to write in the chat. Sometimes they would glitch out and you couldn't hear them but sometimes you could fix it like reloading the page. We had 4 sessions and every session you would learn about some new app.

I found it hard to get on to the Google Hangouts but eventually got it.

Would you like to do a Toolkit?

Here is a link to the Toolkit

Friday 4 September 2020


 Hi everyone,

Today in math we did Scale  we had  so boxes so 



We had to measure the class room it it was 9 meters and 7 meters across.

I think I did good but found it really hard 

How do you think I did?

How big is your classroom?


Wednesday 26 August 2020

Smart Commenting

 Hi everyone,

Today we had to finishing are books about Scammers,what a good comment is and how to carry on a conversation. We used this program called Book creator and this is were we go the Info

What I know about a spam comment is that if you get a comment that says like (I love this web site can see more) This is a spam click into their profile and if their name is unknown and if they dont have a school blog or not a proper one this is a scam, you need to report this to a teacher or you can click on them and report them.

Click here to view my book

Here is what the cover looks like 

I liked book creater because it is very easy to use no trouble it is very simple 

What I found hard was writing about it because I dint realy know what to put 

How do you think I did?


Pirate Ship going down

 Hi everyone,

This week I have been working on my writing witch is based around Pirates.

Our class had to write a dairy about a sinking ship that we are on. 

We has to use our senses like ( see, smell, feel and hear) 

The class can add in Pirate Language but it has to make sense

Hope you like it!!!


The wooden boards are creaking,

waves striking on the side of the boat,

thunder and the wind travel through one ear and out the other.

 I can smell salty water and split rum,

I feel my wet feet slipping off a board and onto another

I am feeling worried and panicky, terrified and afraid.

 I can see rain and barrels of food floating in the water

and the night sky, water everywhere,

ripped sails,

terrified pirates shouting at one another and dead bodies floating in the water.

Don't think I can take it.

I am going to die,

taking a trip to Davy Jones' locker is the last thing

I’m worried about.

If you are reading my diary

I hope this is not the last of me...

The hard thing was making a pictures in the readers head. 

The eases thing is all the senses.

Do you think I did good?

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Blog Commenting

What  know about blog commenting is that
1.  It has to be positive and nice words and thoughts
2.  You have to ask them a question (like how much time did you work on this activity)
3. Or ask them what they could improve on 
4. You may write what you liked
5. You always have to have a greeting or your name 

Last week we learnt how to put a link into a comment.

<a href="insert URL here">Insert display text here</a>

Where it says insert URL here, you delete it and paste the link.

where it says Insert display text here, you delete and write what you want to write what you want to say e.g '' Click here to listen/watch/read''

Can you leave me a comment with a link? Have a try!

Thursday 6 August 2020

Help Wanted

Hi everyone,
This week I have been writing with my buddy Olivia. We worked on a Help Wanted poster. My buddy and I have made a pirate. We had to persuade people to come and work on our ship called the laid back Larry, which is Olivia. My pirate is the captain of the ship called Jack Cannon. I hope you like it.

The hardest part was try to make the whole thing make sense.
The easiest thing was choosing the background 
How do you think my buddy and I did?
Do you like it?
What do you think Olivia and I  should work on?


Wednesday 22 July 2020

Quality Blog Comments

W.A.L.T write a quality blog comment. Which includes something positive, thoughtful, a question and something helpful. This is one of the comment that we have posted.

How do you think I did on my blog post/comment.

Thursday 25 June 2020

Make your own salt Crystals

Hi everyone,
This week we had a writing task to make some paragraphs into a set of intrusions. This activity was very challenging. I had to put it in details words, try and make one. I hope you like it.

Make your own Salt Crystals

Equipment needed:
  • Cup
  • Ribbon
  • Teaspoon
  • Stick/popsicle stick
  • Tape
  • Cool dark place

  • Salt
  • Very hot water
  • Food colouring (If you want any)

  1. Grab a cup that you want to grow your Salt Crystal in.

  1.  Pour very hot water in the cup.

  1. Pour some salt into the hot water and dissolve with a teaspoon. (If you want you can add food colouring now) 

  1.  Wrap the ribbon around the popsicle stick and secure it with tape. Place in your salty water. Make sure that the ribbon is not touching the bottom of the cup and the sides.

  1. Place your crystal growing base in a warm place so the liquid can evaporate

  1. Place your cup of liquid in a dark place. 

  1. Stir the cup of liquid with a teaspoon every day and add a few drops of you mixture everyday.

  1. Display your crystals when grown.

The hard thing was putting it in to my own words.

How do you think I did?

How could I improve?

About Skunks

Hi everyone,
This week my reading group read an information report about Skunks. We focused on unpacking sentences using "I think that means..."
Next we completed some follow up activities. There were MUST DO tasks and CAN DO tasks. Here is my slideshow with my activities. This was a shared slideshow with Angel and Ari. They are still working on their activities. I hope you like it.

I think this was cool because I was learning about a new animal. What I found interesting was Skunks can spray the terrible sent up to 3 metres. Wow!

What should I work on?
What did you find interesting?

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Funky Self Portrait

Hi everyone,
For Cybersmart this week I have been learning how to carton myself. This is a very fun and cool way to draw you. I learnt how to use the tools and shading from this video (Click Here). We had to use the curve tool to trace around our face and then connect it back up. Next you had to go to the colour icon and click transparent. Also use the curving tool to trace  round the light and dark places on your face. When you have done that use this tool called colour picker you click it and hover over were you want to colur and click. Go back up to that tool and you control v the first few numbers and letters, you keep doing that until you are done. My sores I used was, A google drawing, colour picker, the curve tool.

 Do you like it?

What did you do today that made you think hard? = Trying to put some paragraphs into my own words.

What happened today that made you keep going? = My class mates were helping me.

What can you learn from this? = That you should NEVER GIVE UP.

What mistake did you make that taught you something? = I thought that it looked like I had all blisters but I think it looks cool.

What did you try hard at today? = My Self Portrait.

What strategy are you going to try now? = Zooming in and out.

What will you to to challenge yourself today? = Try and do other people.

What will you do to improve your work? = Try and blend it in more.

What will you do to improve your talent? = Practice more.

What will you do to solve this problem? = Try again.


Hi everyone,
For writing we  have been creating information reports. Our main focus was to paraphase the info . This means to write in our own words. Here is my report about Binturongs.

Where I found my info is (Australia Zoo)

I found it interesting because before I didn't know about Binturongs. I found it hard because I couldn't find other words when I was paraphrasing but I used this site called (Thesaurus) it helped me find other words.

What did I do well and what could I improve on?

Friday 12 June 2020

T2 Geometry

Hi everyone,
every Friday Mrs Sumpter would come in and would  teach the whole class Geometry. I liked Geometry because she made it fun. The whole class made their own slide show and did their activities there. We did Angles, 2D shapes, Transformations,Rotation,Reflection and Enlargement. Hope You Like It.

Thursday 11 June 2020


Hi everyone,
This week I have been doing my reading actives in a slide show with my friend Angel. My reading groups book and activities was based around SHARKS. I had to publish a DLO about Sharks. I got all my info in a school journal called: School Journal June 2018. Hope you like it

Monday 25 May 2020

Water Cycle Poster

Hi everyone,
Throughout this week I have made a poster about have rain is made I read books and did some activity around this water cycle. Hope you like it.

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Niamh All About Me 2020

Hi everyone,
Today I made an Niamh All About Me This is not finished but I will finnish it soon I did this for cybersmart this was pretty cool. You should try it remember dont share personal stuff .

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Pick a Path

Through out the lockdown I have been making a pick a path for writing. This was my first time making a pick a path. Hope you like it.

Monday 18 May 2020


Today the class had to write things they did in their lockdown. Their were questions on the board and we had to answer then so here is mine. Hope you like it.

Wednesday 13 May 2020


Hi everyone,
Today I made a bracelet out of flowers this was pretty fun and fast you can add whatever you want on it. On my bracelet I put some real flowers on it. The colors I chose was white, red and pink. Comment if you like it. CLICK HERE IS YOU WANT TO MAKE THIS .

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Thursday 7 May 2020

Meals on wheels

I found this along time ago so I am going to publish this. I did meals on wheels with my sisters . This was very fun and exciting. We got to help people that can cook themselves. It feels like your heart filling with kindness and lovingness. Hope you like it.                                                                                                                                                       

Mothers day Prayer and similes and metaphors

Hi everyone,
I made Prayer, some similes and some metaphors. This activity was writing well for writing we had to make similes and metaphors for are mother and for R.E we had to make a prayer saying thank you to God for such an amazing mother we have. I mixed these 2 together so now I have a Prayer, similes and metaphors on a google drawing so hope you like it.

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Dancing the Hail Mary

Hi everyone,
Today I danced while saying the Hail Mary. It was pretty fun. There were lots of things I could chose from like rapping it and singing it, but I chose to dancing it. We had to be creative. Let me know if you want me to do the Are Father. Hope you like it.

Tuesday 5 May 2020

Cooking Omelettes

Hi Everyone,
In the weekend I make 3 omelets by myself. I am really getting the hang of making stuff by myself ( This is really fun). All I needed was 2 eggs, red capsicum and
some grated cheese, whisk them up and pour some mixture in the pan ( put butter in the pan and let is melt first) not too much and flip them like pancakes. These were really yum.

Monday 4 May 2020

Baking Cookies

Hi everyone,
Today I baked chocolate chip cookies. I did this all by myself no help from my mum or dad, well my mum turns on the oven. They turned out really good the were really hard though still good mm.Click here for recipe

Friday 1 May 2020

My Drawings

Hey everyone,
Today I  drew 2 things witch were 2 balls a football/soccer ball and a rugby ball I made them because I was board. Comment what are somethings you do when you are board and if I should do more. Hope you like it 

Thursday 23 April 2020

R.E Drawing

Hey everyone,
I have made a masterpiece out of Play-Doh. This Play-Doh is home made. I had to make something out of Play-Doh that I am thankful for. Here is my masterpiece. CLICK HERE IF YOU WANT TO MAKE PLAY-DOH. Do you like it?

Niamh and Angel's Story

Tuesday 21 April 2020

What I Want To Be When I Grow Up

Hey everyone,
I and going to tell you what I want to be when I grow up. I also am going to tell you 3 reasons why I want to be that so lets get started 

I want to be a VET ( vet nurse ) when I grow up. I would have to study for 3 or 4 years and that might mean studying away from home. I would have to study zoology, molecular biology, chemistry, animal science, and biochemistry.
1. I love animals and I love to be around them 
2. I dont like seeing animals suffer I would love to help them
3. I want to make this world a better place like not seeing homeless dogs or any animal on the street lonely or injured.

Friday 17 April 2020

Chocolate Mud Cake

Hi everyone, today I made a chocolate mud cake. This was a science experiment. For science there were only 4 things to choose from, there was milk plastic tags, bouncing bubbles, colour changing milk and chocolate mud cake. I had to Identify the difference between a Physical and Chemical change. I think it is a physical change because it went from a liquid to soft edible food. Here's how it turned out. 

Monday 2 March 2020

All About Me

Today 2-3-2020 I have finally finished my ALL ABOUT ME anyway I have completed this beauty look.