
Thursday 6 December 2018

Jesus Birth

W.A.L.T retell the Christmas story using animations.

We had to retell Mary's baby Jesus Miss Holland showed us a video and a book. They were different story's and we had to tell the story how Jesus was born. Sorry it is not finished yet.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

NIamh Drawing

In room 4 we learnt how to trace around pictures it was fun. For me it was easy peasy lemon squeezy I love it I would do it every time. You should try it it is fun. You had to use curve or polyline you had to concentrate and Miss Morgan said practice makes perfect. If you had to draw something and then trace it what would it be and why.

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Scratch Jr

Hi, are class was trying something new and we tried Scratch Jr. It is a game were you can control your charters you can make your charters or choices your charters. I would give it a 7 out of 10 because it is a little of hard to do it is about 3 out of 5 percent hard.

Thursday 22 November 2018

Quick wite

Quick wite Thursday 22 November
Here is my quick wite about Dinosaurs
Hi my name is Bilinda I am 8 years old. I am the only child and I am learning how to make a time machine
and see if dinosaurs are real.
I have been looking up how to make a time machine but it says not found sorry. That frustrates me
I get bullied
like people saying you are a nerd but
I don't care.
I want to make a time machine. Later that night I was dreaming about time machines it was wonderful. The next morning I was hot it felt like I was in the sun outside. I opened my eyes and there was a dinosaur right in front of my face I screamed d d d DINOSAURS I ran for my life tripping over rocks and other things. I said to myself this is real I heard dinosaur yelling I looked over and all the baby dinosaurs were chasing me. The baby dinosaurs were huge like a elephant I hid in a cave and there standing was a rat. I hoped on it and smacked the rats but and the rat ran I was not believing this it was actually true the rat ran into a prikil bush I jumped of and the rat was hurt it got its way out but I could not ride it I was happy but sad I missed my home and my mum and dad I wanted to go back but I could not tears ran down my face as I was walking this big huge dinosaur was big as 10 mansions it grabbed me by its claws and went into a cave it had babies it was getting dark


Tuesday 20 November 2018


In cybersmart, are activity was we have to writ 3 comments. Then put them on slides and people can see them. Please leave a comment.

Thursday 15 November 2018

The Party that when wrong

Hi my name is Ben. I was at school and my friend called Jack gave me a invitation his party. It was at 6 so time went by and it was time to go. There I was standing there and before my friend could say hi BOOM every thing was on fire me and the other people ran. We all got into cars or ran home we rang 111 the fire came with there Syrians. On and racing to the party it was not really a party so they were using lots of water and BOOM it burst into flames angin. It was like when you blow out candies it re lights the self weard. It keeped re lighting its self and it took like an hour to stop it but it was worth it. Ben thorght to himself well if I was that party boy my birthday would be boomed well that was wast of time and them by mum looked on face book and there it was a picture of the fire my mum ran into the room saying are you all right are you answer me I said yes it was just shocking mum was really scared but that is OK. THE END. This is unfinished


W.A.L.T investigate how to plan a good story. Our activate is we had to choose a thing like this I chose man/girl vs society. We had to include characters, setting, problem and solution.

Once in a Orphanage this girl called Poppy she was nice she had pink hair and a pink dress and black shoes. Poppy had friend called Flower, Sunshine, Turtle and bob. Flower has a flower necklace and hat. The dress and shoes are yellow. Sunshine is all yellow with some suns all over her dress. Turtle has a shell and is kind of scaly. Bob is chubby and fat he is so big. There are 2 teachers one is soooooooooooooooo mean, she is called Mrs Burgan she has black hair and she has a black and gray dress. There is another teacher that is sooooooooooooo kind she has blond hair and wears a black dress, flowey and wheres white sneakers. Poppy and her friends woke up in the dusty wooden bed. Poppy had all bits over her because the bed bugs bit her. Mrs Burgan said breakfast is in the next room we all went in to the next room. We saw the food we all looked at each other and we said eeeewwww there was raw octopus, rotten fruit, pigs brains and for drink it was elephant's blood, and humans spit. Everyone passed they went outside and huddled and, whispered but but before they could miss Holland came. Miss holland said we need a plan to get rid of mrs burgan have a plan we can go into the kitchen and bob you can distract Mrs Burgan. Then poppy flower and turtle go and get a knife and stab Mrs Bugan.OK OK. We have to do this at night ok just play and do normal stuff you know ……. It was night time poppy, and her friends got up and bob walked into the kitchen and disracked Mrs Bugan poppy and her friends got a knife but then Mrs Burgan saw poppy in the corner of her eye and got ready and shaped her knife and stabbed poppy in the tummy and all of poppies spirit went to Mrs Burgan, Mrs Bugan had poppy was acting like poopy everyone went to bed and the next day. They had a plan to kill Mrs Burgan everyone get a knife and killed Mrs Burgan and all of poppy’s spirit made poppy everyone was sooooo happy and for Mrs Burgan she was dead and at the pizza place.(HELL) BY NIAMH

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Grace the glitter fairy

In room 4 there is a teacher called Miss Morgan she has given us a activity. It was this kiwi wanted to read a book we had to make a book recombination. 

Monday 12 November 2018

Alsome Te Wa

W.A.L.T identify the stages of live. Te Wa means the journey of live and we had to and we had to make a slide show of experience, stages. Hope you like it.

How to make good choices

W.A.L.T identify ideas to think about when making choices. We had to think about the how the choices affected people.

Friday 9 November 2018

Tika Pono Aroha Father Son's

W.A.L.T identify ideas to think about when making choices. Then we watched a video about 2 sons and a father. One of them was selfish one of them got the grape farm because he was nice. Hope you like it here is the video

Friday 2 November 2018

Favorite things to do in summer

My activity is I have to rite some things that I do in summer. I hope you like it ( At the first slide there is 5 things that Fria likes.)

Hokey Pokey

Hi guys my activity is I have to take a picture of me eating New Zealand favorite food. I hope you like it . Leave a comment.


My activity is if you when to another county(Canada) how would you feel?.  If I went to a different county I would feel nervous because I dont know people. Please leave a comment.

Wednesday 31 October 2018


W.A.L.T pray a decade of the Rosary.

This google drawing is like a guide for people that don't know how to pry the rosary because it is like a pray and color. What I did is mad it easy for people to read so Red is the Our Father. Blue is Hail Mary and green is Glory Be last of all brown is The Apostles Creed. ( I am not finished yet. )

Tuesday 30 October 2018


In cybersmart we are learning different country. I chose Canada and then there was this extra activate it was this HERE pleas comment what should I work on?.

Wednesday 24 October 2018

What to bring to canada

In class we have to make a post about what we can bring to a country. So I hope you like it 
Once in a Orphanage this girl called Poppy she was nice she had pink hair and a pink dress and black shoes. Poppy had friend called Flower, Sunshine, Turtle and bob. Flower has a flower necklace and hat. The dress and shoes are yellow. Sunshine is all yellow with some suns all over her dress. Turtle  has a shell and is kind of scaly. Bob is chubby and fat he is so big. There are 2 teachers one is soooooooooooooooo mean, she is called Mrs Burgan she has black hair and she has a black and gray dress. There is another teacher that is sooooooooooooo kind she has blond hair and wears a black dress, flowey and wheres white sneakers. Poppy and her friends woke up in the dusty wooden bed. Poppy had all bits over her because the bed bugs bit her. Mrs Burgan said breakfast is in the next room we all went in to the next room. We saw the food we all looked at each other and we said eeeewwww there was raw octopus, rotten fruit, pigs brains and for drink it was elephant's blood, and humans spit. Everyone passed they went outside and huddled and, whispered but but before they could miss Holland came. Miss holland said we need a plan to get rid of rs burgan have a plan we can go into the kitchen and bob you can distract Mrs Burgan. Then poppy flower and turtle go and get a knife and stab Mrs Bugan.OK OK. We have to do this at night ok just play and do normal stuff you know ……. It was night time poppy, and her friends got up and bob walked into the kitchen and disracked Mrs Bugan poppy and her friends got a knife but then Mrs Burgan saw poppy in the corner of her eye and got ready and shaped her knife  and stabbed poppy in the tummy and all of poppies spirit went to Mrs Burgan, Mrs Bugan had poppy was acting like poopy everyone went to bed and the next day. They had a plan to kill Mrs Burgan everyone get a knife and killed Mrs Burgan and all of poppy’s spirit made poppy everyone was sooooo happy and for Mrs Burgan she was dead and at the pizza place.(HELL)

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Tips for flying

In room 4 we have a activity and you have to this HERE so I hope you like it. Sorry its a bit blearily

Te Wa

W.A.L.T identify the stages of live

Thursday 18 October 2018

Crown Canada

I cybersmart we are learning 6 different contrary and you can choose one I am doing Canada and a activity. Here is a link to show you where I got the info

The capital city is : Ottawa.

The population in the capital city is : 947 , 031.
In January the weather in the capital city is usually : -6° / -14°.
The capital city is located in the part of the country : North (America).
The languages most commonly spoken in the capital city are : English and French.

2 fun fact: Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world's lakes combined.

                   Canada the World's Most Educated Country: over half its residents have college degrees.
I want to visit Canada because Canada has the  highways for animals.  Image result for canada pictures

Wednesday 17 October 2018

17/10 New Church

In are school are church was getting rebuilt, because there was leching and lots of cracks it, looked old and boring. Mrs lee said ' you have to make a quick write about the new church so here is my one.

I walked to the eye caching church there was a window up above.
I felt I was being blessed already. I saw the holy water it was in a baptismal I looked at it.
I was amazing I loved it Mr Norman said put your right hand in and do the sine of the cross.
I was feeling peaceful when I genuflect and sat on the set. I looked around and it looked like heaven.
There was harmful Mary full of grace and St Bernadette.
They were lovely and they were both statues and I saw stations of the cross they were matching gold.
When I saw Jesus nailed to the cross my bran was blown away
I couldn't speak we sang a song it was called One Faith One Hope.
Everyone sang it was like angels singing.
Father was talking about the church and then it was time to have the bread and wine.
The people that had holy communion came up first I had it I took the bread I feel extra special.
I was about to faint it was the end of mass. We went outside and then went to are kind of boring class.

                                                        THE END BY NIAMH

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Basic Irish Dancing

In are class are teacher said 'For topic today we are learning about Ireland ( I am from Ireland. ) so you could be on your own but I went with a buddy Grace.We make a slide show about how to do Irish dancing.I Hope you like it.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

The Movie Night

Once upon a time there was a woman and a man they started out with friend. Then turned into boyfriend and girlfriend then got married . On the married night they went out for diner and watched the sun set it looked amazing. They went home and feed the dog and the cat and bunny rabbit. They got into there pygmies and said good night love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. And went to sleep and in the morning they got some breakfast and went to work. The dad does bilding and the mum does works at the vet and capched pets. After their work they were soooooooooo tired so the dad said hey do you want to watch a movie mum said ok. They went out to the movie theater but there was no movie. It is cancelled so they went back home and watch a movie. They clicked on neakflicks and got the popcorn and clicked on it. It was called the THE HOLE OF DOM It started First it was ok but then on the middil and the end it was poor .There was a hole and a man was in it and a tran was in the hole to and the tran ran over the man all the blood ossssd out the man and the boy and man screamed .AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA gust then and robber came in and stole. The man and girl shut the door behind them AND THEY WERE NEVER TO BE SEAN AGAN. This is based on a true story Trolled you unfinished By Niamh The end


WHERE IS MRS LEE Q;when was the last time you saw mrs lee? Well I was in the sun expedition. There was a sun balloon and you can go inside and out. Mis lee when inside and took Greer and Ella in with her and when she went in Greer and Ella and Mrs lee did not come out but in 5 minutes. Ella and Greer popped out like a piece of balloon then I asked Ella and Greer where is Mrs lee. Ella said still in there so I said please turn the sun thing of and they did and I went inside and I looked with my head and there was no sine of mrs lee so I stepped in it with my whole body with me this time and then I said hello is anybody in here and this is not the first time that someone has gone missing there was a little child that went in but never came out so they claimed her as dead and then I said to some people look around the museum pleases they said ok so I discovered that that there was a little hole in the wall I said come in here and I said there is a little hole in the wall here and then I pressed it. It took me to a planit this hot planit and I looked down at my feet and there it was the sun I said hello but it gust ecoed and I took a step and every time I stepped the planet change color so back at the sun expedition people wonder where I was back to the planet I saw a button and then I press it and it took me to the sun sun bichon I said I am back and I saw mrs lee and I said your back but someone ran in front of me and said you an not go near her I said I will give her a hug and I got the dezes and then I died and I saved mrs lee but again I died. By Nimah Unfinished punshon

Friday 14 September 2018

What is a Sacraments By Niamh

W.A.L.T identify the symbols of 4 sacraments and explain what they mean.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Come See My Blog

Hi everyone I am posting this because we have a challenge. You  have to get people to comment on your blog. like a brother or sister is worth 5 points and that is why I am posting this .Please come and see my blog thank you .

Friday 24 August 2018

All About Me 1

Gergich my name is Niamh and I am 9 years old. My birthday is 8th of July and I am a year 4.
I am some New Zealand and some Irish because I was made in Ireland and born in New Zealand.
I have two sisters one of my sisters is 13 and her name is Siobhan and my little sister is 6 and her
name is Roisin.

I live is Christchurch and I go to school at St Bernadette's. I have two pets one is a dog and it is called Finn and my cat is called Smudge. My favorite thing to do when I'm at school is math and reading I have the best teacher ever in the world her name is MISS HOLLAND

she is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fun. I like her she helps us sooooooooooooo much when I am not at school I love to play Minecraft and Knife Hit and doing experiments and Adventuring and playing outside.

Wednesday 8 August 2018

God Is Like

Are class today did something for RE we had to make a DLO the title had to be God is like so I hope you like it 

Thursday 28 June 2018

Our School

In my class room we are doing writing and in writing we are doing information report and you had to do one for our school so I hope you like it.

       Our school
My school is a catholic school and I am going to tell all about my

So in my school there is a a group of words called the CERR
values. There is Compassion, Excellence , Responsibility.
Respect, and this helps us be good.

How many people ?
There are 132 children and 7 teachers. We have 4 teacher
adses.We have four student teachers and they are really
good and kind.

What we do at school
We do breakfast club it you had no breakfast and
we have kiwi can we learn so much and we have two people
that teach us and there names are Ross and Katy.
They are great to work together . And we have singing
and homework club.

What we have outside
  • 3 playgrounds
  • 7 class rooms
  • Ball bax
  • 1 chest board game on ground
  • 1 staff room
  • 1 office
  • 2 decks
  • 1 PE shead
  • 3  water fountain
  • And heps more

In my classroom
9 tables
28 people
2 bean bags
1 reading shelf
1 math shelf
28 devices
30 cheats
Lots of games
1 notice wall
5 walls
2 doors and 1 door that has a positive things on it.

What I give the school
I give it 5 stars because it is a nice place for people and people
should come here because it is full of lovely teachers and
lovely people.

                                    BY NIAMH

Tuesday 19 June 2018

How to be a private dolphin

Hi my name is Niamh and in the video we talked about what you can share and things you can not share. I did it with my buddy Greer so we hope you like are video. I learnt  that you do not share your private information to strangers you do not know but if your mum knows them you are OK. We made this video to tell you to stop sharing your privet information and how you can keep it safe and leave us a comment if you like it. 

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Digital Footprint

In room four my class has bean leaning about digital footprints they are like keeping your self safe. here is my footprint.

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Colors in Maori

In Room four We learnt Maori colors and we made a google drawing of it (By the way I have not finished)

Thursday 5 April 2018

coding 101

last week we were taking about coding coding is when you play a game it is called it is fun there is this monster and you try to get the gem and it gets hard and hard it is very good for kids and fun
                                                    This is the fist challenge that I completed.

This is the last one I did today
this is the 2 challenge I completed

Thursday 22 March 2018

fun day

I want to do this as a family I want to go down the slide all to together